Umbrella - 60" wide (golf umbrella)
Return Policy
If something doesn’t work out, you can send most items back within 30 days of delivery.*
Start the return process within 30 days of receiving your item.We inspect all returned items. The product must be in new or unused condition, with all original product inserts and accessories.
Shipping costs will be the responsibility of the customer in cases of buyer’s remorse returns, such as an item didn’t fit, didn’t like the color/quality, changed your mind, ordered by mistake, bought it somewhere else, etc.
We will refund the cost of the merchandise and shipping charges if the return is a result of our error or defective product.
Ship the product as soon as possible so it arrives at our facility within 45 days of receipt of the item. (See Product-Specific Return Policies for exceptions)
* You should note that this return policy does not apply to Custom products.